Why I Love Being a Mom to My Daughters and My Business

Why I Love Being a Mom to My Daughters and My Business

Chic Peony Boutique Blog

Bonjour, Friends!

I’ve been a mom now for 22 years and while being a mom is hard at times (like when you are woken up in the middle of the night countless times or when you worry about your teenagers!  I’m sure you’ve heard all of the “being a mom quotes”!); being a mother is a blessing.  

I vividly remember the birth of both of my daughters.  The love you feel is indescribable.  You want to protect and nurture them and you now have a new role in life.  You have a list of values you want to teach your child.  Your life becomes bigger than you.  You now begin to pass everything you do, think and say through “the mom filter”.  You don’t take the risks in life you used to take.  There is now a new set of priorities that you wouldn’t trade for anything.

I’m reflecting a bit now because my oldest daughter will be graduating college next week from The University of Hartford (Architecture).  College (how did that happen so fast??)!  I’m in tears with pride right now for this baby that my husband and I raised and love so dearly.  Why is it that when we look at our children that we see a young version of them? Do you remember that auto insurance commercial when the 16 year old child is about to drive off for the first time and the parent sees a toddler sitting in the driver's seat?  Spot on!  

With my daughters being adults, and with my nurturing personality, I’ve found something else to nurture.  My business.  My business was created by me and is all mine. I’ve named it, dressed it (branding!) and am raising my business with the help of my business coach, Kate Hammer.  I find that I am protective of my business like I am protective of my daughters as a mom.  

I am striving to be a successful business woman and am proud that, as my daughter said today, on this Mother’s Day, “I’m proud of you for chasing your dreams to start your own business.  Your passion is inspiring and thank you for supporting us with our dreams too”.

I feel like this brings it full circle…as a mom I am always trying to teach life skills, and what better way to teach than to be an example yourself.

Oh, and if you haven’t already signed up to be part of the Peony Club, you can do so right here.  You’ll receive an email for 10% off your first order as my appreciation.

Au revoir!


P.S. You can read the story of how I became Chic Peony Boutique here

A photo of my two beauties who are 12 months apart.  In celebration of their 4th and 5th birthday’s.  What better way to celebrate than with Build a Bear!!  

1 comment

So sweet! Your inner strength and beauty shine through!

Judy Stumpo

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